My name is Noga. I’m a second year multimedia designer student. I’m very passionate about web development and eager to progress in that field. I have various knowledge in programing languuages and web related environments and software. You are most welcome to explore my page and find out more about me.
You can look at my Cyber Security project or The Nordic Way project and see how I've coded with JavaScript.
Even when developing in a drag and drop system, knowing coding and CSS can be of great use.
How much web savy am I? Well...can you remember the days when the WWW were just static HTML pages with blue links?
As part of my web development topup studies I've experiemented with nodejs. You can brow my Github and see code examples.Â
Here is a link to a task app I've built with react as part of my Multimedia design studies. Nowadaws I'm contiuing to gain more with react, as well with other frameworks.
As part of first semester studies in web development I've built a CDs webshop (Yes, I'm nostalgic) using vanilla php + MySQL. I've implemented MVC architechture and used async js in the process. It's also on my GitHub.
Right beneath you will find projects I did in my first and second semester. Some I did individually and some in a group. We are all internationals in class and
that is quite a unique and interesting multicultural experience, sometimes challenging, but mostly fun. In The Triple Design project we even made a “Funny Parts” video that captured some of these funny momements!
I was very pleased with Noga's work and with the quick and efficient way in which she acquired the necessary working skills for a complex system that integrates many applications. I was also impressed by her high cognitive abilities and personality, being a very nice person by nature, with sensitivity and love to help, even at the expense of her private time. She got well along with the other employees of the company and with the customers who really appreciated her services.
Amnon Sussman
CEO of ATT - Advanced Teaching Technologies
Noga Vigdor is a multi-talent. Someone you can trust to do the work and get it done the best way possible. She is a quick learner and gets to the bottom of things. I love working with her
Sigal Gadol
Owner at Sigal - Websites that Work