The Nordic Way - Real Life Project


Branding the The Nordic Way company by introducing seaweeds to the Danish market in a way that will lead to
purchasing Seagreens products and join Peninsula Nature tours activities.

My Role

Website development, Target group research, S.W.O.T analysis and documenting, contact person with the clients


Group Project


Before Meeting The Client

As a first step we have grouped together and formed our online communication tools. I  have contacted Brian and Nina, the owners, to set a meeting. In the meantime, I have received by email useful textual and graphic content. We have reviewed the material, including the business plan, in order to come ready for the meeting

Meeting the clients

We have listened carefully to our clients vision of their company and were strait forward regarding our abilities as first semester students. Setting expectations was an important step towards a fruitful cooperation.

Seagreens product


We were conducting our own group brainstorm and created a schedule plan in which we had designated the tasks and resources across a timeline with deadlines.  

We have set an online collaboration system called Jira which enabled us to  share our work progress. In addition we continued to hold physical group meetings.

We have worked with another colaboration sysyem called miro and exhanged ideas and thoughts throughout a moodboard, which later evolved into  the foundation of the company’s brand identity and website.

Empathise and Research Process

We have created a persona for our target group, sent out questionnaires to find out more about it, read the company’s business plan and made research about competitors and about the the product itself.

Agile Approach

We have implemented the agile approach, using the scrum methodology, which involved iterative stages of receiving feedback from our clients and updating our design accordingly. We didn’t hesitate to make major changes in the website upon our clients requests, and so it happened that we had redesigned and recoded some elements of the website, including chosing different colors palette, in order to satisfy our client needs and goals.

Group Challenges

  • Find a way to brand a company, that gives a few services under different bra d names, and still create an overall good user experience, in which the company’s functionality will be understood.
  • Since the company was in it’s initial steps of formation, the needs of the company were not clear right from the start, but though brainstorm meetings with the client we managed to progress with our tasks.

My Challenges

  • Cope with major last minute changes and also to adapt other elements to those changes.
  • Find creative solutions to implement design into coding

Examples of my web development work

Here are some of the elements I’ve coded using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. All  responsive.

Add RReHeading Text Here


We have created a Website and a logo that the client will be able to use. 
The products page is a prototype as that still needs to be develop further.
The clients were very happy we the results and with they way we communicated
with them and being able to act upon their ongoing feedback.


My Learning

I’ve learned  about the design process and how it can contribute to
understanding the client needs. I’ve also advanced my coding skills.  
I like this project because of the the motivational spirit I felt throught
the project and successful interaction the clients.


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